Friday, September 4, 2009


I guess the title of this is a throwback to sometime in my youth (the 80s?) when we added "city" to things a lot. At any rate, has anyone else been noticing a lot of intensity lately? I know some of the astrological configurations that could be contributing to this feeling, but I won't bother going into that here. There are so many factors that can create intensity in our personal lives and society at large. I just tend to notice it because I see themes in the lives of the people I consult with on a daily basis. It's interesting to watch everyone coming in with the same issues in droves. Often mirroring my own issues, of course. (Law of Attraction, that one!)

So, what to do? It's simple, really. But not necessarily easy. The best thing I have found is: breathe, drink water, take walks, just be. If you can, try to find the positive in whatever situation you are in. If you're not feeling that, just be. It will help. The more you can be the calm center, the more you will attract calm.

I've found through trial and error that losing my calm doesn't generally help. Especially lately. I'm not sure if it's where I'm at or just the evolution of our planet, but I find lately especially, if I do what I call "throwing a tantrum", it all generally gets worse before it gets better. (For me, throwing a tantrum is going off on an angry rant, either to the object of my ire or someone else. Sometimes it involves crazy sobbing.)

There are a lot of schools of thought out there that will tell you how helpful it is to "get it all out". I guess that could be true. Thinking in terms of Abraham's emotional scale, if you are in depression (anger turned inward) and you move up to anger (anger turned outward), you are making progress! You will feel better. So, I guess for some folks, a good, old-fashioned tantrum IS progress. However, I'm usually hanging out a little more in the boredom - appreciation range (1-7 on the scale). So, going down to anger (17) or rage (19), doesn't make things better. I love the wisdom of the Abraham material. (See, there I go into appreciation! Yay!)

In addition to breathing, drinking water, and walking, I'd say to check where you are on the emotional scale and do whatever you can to find relief. Move up the scale in steps. Wherever you're at, it's ok. Wherever you're at is temporary. You always have a choice as to how you will react to things. Just stopping and letting everything swirl around you can help you realize that it's really all fine. You might even begin to enjoy the show. And then you will attract much better circumstances.

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