Friday, December 19, 2008

Currently Reading: The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire

The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra

I originally got this 2004 book by Chopra from the library, but ended up ordering my own copy because I want to work with it in more depth. This work looks at the science behind coincidences and synchronicity and gives guidelines for how to use them to create what you want in life. Sometimes I had to fight through the quantum physics descriptions, but if I made it, then they are pretty accessible. My science quotient is pretty low.

Chopra also goes into a method for using archetypes in daily meditation. This section was notable for me in that I have come across archetypes in many other books and never felt moved or inspired. I never quite "got it" before. I understood the ideas, but for some reason, they fell flat for me. Perhaps it was just the right time for me, or perhaps Mr. Chopra puts it in a new way, but I found myself being very motivated to figure out my archetypes and use them to inspire me to live larger on a daily basis.

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