Friday, July 31, 2009

Have a synchronicitous day

Allrighty. So every little thing is telling me to leap and the net will appear. And I just received the book Fearless Living: Yoga and Faith.
Then I hear a song in the background that I'm liking. I can tell it is Pink Floyd, but I'm not familiar with it. I click over to my Pandora (from whence the song comes), only to find it is called Fearless.

Really cool lyrics, too. They are displayed in the info. Looks like the song was made in 1971. I was made in 1971 as well! (Came out in 1972, though.) Ha.

And then, as I was writing all this, the subject of skiing came up. And I had to tell my friend I've always feared skiing. Too funny.

Fun world. Enjoy the video. (I do not intend to start skiing, although I may do other things I've feared in the past.)

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