Thursday, August 13, 2009

Feel Good: Remember the Physical

Check out my new best friend: Pogo. Yes, I just named my rebounder. I am fully anthropomorphizing it. Yep. I guess it's all the Bizarro fiction I've been reading lately.

As many of you know, right now I'm very influenced by the teachings of Abraham. One of the basic tenets is to feel good. Because you attract what you are vibrating. When you feel good, you attract good things. When working with the law of attraction, I think the tendency is to focus on the mental or the spiritual. And Abraham does focus on the emotional a lot as well. It is our emotional guidance system that tells us if we are on the right or wrong track as far as what we'd like to attract. But I rarely notice anyone in law of attraction circles talking about the physical. So, I just want to remind us all to remember the physical.

I thought of that this morning because I was really excited to get on Pogo. (You know, I'm not sure about that name. It was the nickname of a kid I knew in grade school. It was a shortening of his last name. I like the name because I got it from this song sent to me by Michael Sherlock. But "getting on Pogo" still sounds weird to me, since I think of him as a 4th grade boy. I might have to rethink that.)

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Rebounding. I noticed that it just makes me feel good. I had the urge to do it when I got home from work yesterday. It was during that "I'm tired and vaguely annoyed because I just got home from a somewhat stressful day and I'm not fully integrated into my home life yet" time. A few minutes of bouncing sounded really good. I'd like to say I did it right then, but I didn't. I did do it later. And it did make me feel good. It seemed to change my physical chemical composition. It shook me up and made me feel tingly. A fellow rebounder told me that even just a few minutes of bouncing has beneficial effects. I can see that.

Here are some of the benefits of rebounding. The site is a little ghetto, but I did a quick skim and it looks like good info. Here's another one.

My main point is, if you want to improve your point of attraction, remember that enjoyable physical activity is a great option. By improving your point of attraction, I basically mean improving your mood. You cannot attract something better until you feel better. I know, it seems backwards, but that's the way it works. Everything in your experience is under your control. That's the blessing of the universe. (And sometimes the curse!) When we understand and consciously use the law of attraction to bring good things to us by feeling good, it is the blessing.

So, get out there and bounce, dance, run, walk, kick box, or scuba dive your way to a better life. I'm sure you can think of others. Feel good!

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