Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More about the need for tenacity: universal gift?

Today, as I was daydreaming in the midst of my day job, I had what I found to be an interesting thought. Now that I'm re-examining this thought, it's not that groundbreaking, but I think it still bears repeating.

What if the need for tenacity is a huge gift of the Universe? What if that is the way the Universe knows we mean business?

Conversely, what if you instantly got every little thing you thought you wanted? I can think of a few examples right off the top of my head that I thought I wanted, but upon short order decided, "no thanks". It's probably pretty helpful that every little thing we think we want does not immediately fall into our laps.

However, manifestation time does seem to get faster the more conscious and focused we become about it. Perhaps consciousness and focus are necessary prerequisites to speedy manifesting. Sure would make sense in a benevolent universe.

I love it when things make sense.

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