Friday, August 7, 2009

What about "opposites attract"?

This morning I awoke thinking about the concept of opposites attracting.

As far as conscious creation goes, I've been mostly working with and talking about the law of attraction. Simply stated, the law of attraction is "like attracts like". But what about "opposites attract"? We've all heard that (and seen to a certain degree) our whole lives. How do we reconcile the two?

To begin with, the two ideas are not necessarily logically mutually exclusive. You can have opposites attract and likes attract, right? My thinking is yes. However, my studies in astrology have taught me a deeper truth that makes sense of this apparent paradox. Opposites are actually two sides of the same coin. Opposites by their very nature have something in common. Opposites are like a continuum of the same idea.

You may ask for an example. Well, lets say astrologically speaking we are talking about the opposite signs of Pisces and Virgo. (The moon is in Pisces today and I've been talking about Pisces a lot.) If we talk about the trait of details as related to these two opposite signs, we would say that Virgo is all about details and Pisces sometimes can only see the forest and not the trees. (And even then sometimes the forest is kinda hazy.) So, it's opposite. But the whole thing is still focusing to some extent on details. There's the like inherent in the opposites.

Like attracts like AND opposites attract. Nice.

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