Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sometimes I don't want to talk about this stuff

Sometimes I think I understand why some spiritual traditions talk about God as G-d. It baffled me at first. But it just seems too big to talk about sometimes. It seems like I can feel it and understand it ("it" being something goddish in nature), but when I try to make words they come out, "garble garble flap waggle plab."

How could anyone possibly understand The Infinite in words? I know what I sense. I know what I experience. Is it overkill or underkill to try to discuss? What is the point? Who is it for?

Sometimes I think a cave-dwelling existence might suit me more. But I guess not. So, I plug along.

Sometimes I feel like all of this manifestational stuff has been talked to death. And sometimes I feel like NO ONE knows it or gets it. So how can it have been talked to death? Sometimes it feels like new age tripe and I will come off as a new age tripe purveyor. And that is when I retreat to my cave, hording my Self to myself. But I know it is not tripe. I know it.

And every once in a third eclipse, I talk about those feelings. Maybe I should not be so true about this. Maybe I should not be vulnerable. Maybe I should not hit "publish post". I know the reality of the Law is that I should be focusing on what I do want. Not on this weird feeling. But here it is. So, it's going out. For now. Maybe someone else feels this way and needs to feel not quite so alone.

Isn't this post the antithesis of everything I'm doing? Oh well, must continue on. Paradox happily survives our plane.

Good night all. Full moon (eclipse) fever seems to have struck. See you in dreamyland.

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