Monday, October 6, 2008

Daily Focus 10/6/08

It's my wedding anniversary!!!

During Mercury Retrograde!!!

I am opening up to changing possibilities. We keep having plans and they keep changing. I am going with the flow. I am allowing it to be what it is. I am following the path of least resistance. We don't even know if we're doing anything now at all. :D :D :D Ok, those last smiley faces were a little for comic relief, because I feel a teensy bit false in enthusiasm for something that slightly bums me out. I'm feeling a teensy big "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me." You know, the caricature of affirmations. From Saturday Night Live? Someone help me out with a reference here. Oh hey, I have the internet as my reference. Hang on. Ha ha. I found a whole Wiki on the character, Stuart Smalley.

However, I am not feeling really Stuart Smalley. (It's good to check in on that, because if you are, it's a sign that you really are not in vibrational alignment with what you want. Your vibration will win out over your words, which is why empty affirmations only work as a tool to get yourself to start believing them. If you can.) I am happy that I am only feeling slightly bummed out. I am happy that I have been so focused on following the path of least resistance that I can truly see the benefit in that and be happy anyway instead of disappointed in how things are going (or not going).

So, anyway. For today.

Nothing is more important than that I feel good.

I will focus on appreciating the love in my heart.
I will focus on appreciating my husband of six years.
I will focus on appreciating our lovely family.

Zane just told our dog that today is a wedding and his aunt is going to doggy-sit him, because no doggies go on dates.

I have to go focus on my husband now.

love to all!

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