Thursday, October 2, 2008

Abraham-Hicks on The Perfect Parent

This video includes a story about Henny Penny, the perfect little chicken parent. It's all about fostering independence. We're working on this, too. I'm not sure I'm to the Henny Penny stage yet.

It also reminds me of the movie Ray, about Ray Charles. His mama did not cut him any slack. That did seem to help him.

Again, from Abraham-Hicks.

I'm not sure where I really stand on this issue. I've long been a proponent of the sort of culture that really nurtures children. We nursed. We cosleep (still). I remember hearing or reading about a culture a long time ago where the childrens' feet never even touched the ground until they were 6 or some such thing. They were always held by someone. (Now that seems to make little sense--how did they learn to walk?) Anyway, our kids slept in our bed. Zane still does and he doesn't seem to be ready to leave it any time soon. I don't think I'll be pecking him on the head about it.

I guess I just follow my emotional guidance for each issue as it comes up. I watch for the signs. I knew when it was time for him to stop nursing. I knew when he could probably live without a binkie. I knew when it was time to get him potty trained. We just knew, recently, that he would be able to handle preschool. I guess, for me, it's all about listening to the inner voice. And knowing when to peck. I suppose, if I think about it, Henny Penny did not peck on the first day.

When he seems to be able to handle something with a minimum of discomfort, I'm ready to peck.

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