Friday, October 31, 2008

Daily Focus 10/31/08

Today is going to be fun!

I have a lot of activity planned for today. All will get done that needs to be done. We will enjoy ourselves all day. It's Halloween!

My phone conversation this morning will be smooth and fun.
My errands will be accomplished easily and in the flow.
All is falling into place.
We are getting more and more joyful every day.
We are enjoying our current life more and more.
We are creating an even BETTER future for ourselves.
As Abraham says, "The better it gets, the better it gets."

Today I appreciate what is.
There is so much to be appreciative of.
I will enjoy each moment.
I savor life.
I am enjoying the ride.
I enjoy the destination, too.
Then I make another, even greater destination!
The fun goes on and on.
There is always more to create
More to be
More to do
More to experience

I appreciate.

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