Monday, October 27, 2008

Manifesting a Great New Relationship Video Tool

Here is a sweet video from ILOVE2FeelGOOD (This is the same person who sent me the previous video).

I see there are a lot of people out there looking to manifest a wonderful relationship. Sometimes it can get discouraging. Sometimes we may not believe it's possible. Abraham offers a process/game (#12) in Ask and it is Given, called "Wouldn't it be nice if ... ?"

This game is designed to soften our discouragement or frustration by making it feel more like a daydream. If you are ardently thinking of what you want, even if you are only spinning daydreams, it is the same to the law of attraction. But for us, it softens our knee-jerk reaction to doubt. Getting rid of the disappointment and doubt in this way strengthens the process.

Here's the video:


Anonymous said...

Sorry terri ive been slow on my blog reading.

but this video is fantastic. I know for sure that i'm manifesting my dreams as we speak

Terri said...

Thanks, M! I'm glad you like it. I enjoy finding these vids. You ARE manifesting your dreams!