Sunday, September 7, 2008

Current Lab: Money & Relationship. Together. A big one.

Ok, here's what I'm working on right now. Mainly, money manifestation. I've been working on this for a while now, and it's getting steadily better and better. Mostly, I'm working on the money manifesting to increase my freedom. I love freedom. Time with my family and friends. Time for myself. Planning and doing fun stuff. Or doing nothing. I love to read. I like cool stuff. These are all the reasons I'm working on my money manifestation. Freedom. Comfort. Beauty.

It's a work in progress.

What have I been doing? The most important thing is to change how you think and feel. You want to put out only thoughts and feelings of abundance. To do that, you must see yourself as abundant. You must feel abundant. You must be abundant to be abundant. Does that make sense? It's why the rich get richer. Here's what I'm doing, technically, to work on the feeling of abundance.

1. Vision board above my desk. If you've been around the law of attraction block, you've heard of these. Simple idea. Gather photos of things you want to draw to you, put them together where you will see them often, look at them. Feel emotion about them. I wonder if I have a pic of my vision board to post. I think I do.

Here's a closeup of the me and Kevin surrounded by money.

2. Mind movies. I'll probably talk more about these later, as a special manifestation tool. You can use other peoples' or make your own. Making your own is probably the most potent, but it can be time consuming. For now, I'm using other folks' mind movies. Here is one of my favorite money ones.

3. Money processes from Abraham-Hicks (more on this later)

4. Paying attention to my thoughts and working to feel abundant in all moments. This is the most important.

Now here's where it gets interesting with the relationship. I realize that I had a long-held belief that I don't need a man to get money. That's a pretty good belief, in general, but I think it's been impacting our earning potential in negative ways.

I was raised to be a self-sufficient woman. I was raised with a strong feeling of self worth because of the time and family that I was born into. I was also good at school. Well, somewhere along the line, I got this romantic notion that love was the most important thing there is. That may be true. But I remember very specifically making a choice that "I don't care if a man makes money or not. I will happily support my man. I need to marry for love. I can make my own money."

In a way, that makes sense. But what I'm realizing is, I've totally created a marriage in which I make all the money and support my man! That has been sorta ok, but not great. And the more he hasn't made any money, the more I've thought about him as a creative type who just doesn't make money. The more I see him that way, the more he sees himself that way. Then he makes less money and I support him more.

Now, we have to be very clear on something. I'm not saying my man is a deadbeat. Quite the opposite. He does many, many things to contribute to our family. His nondeadbeatishness is also one reason why it's been so perplexing as to why he hasn't been bringing in very much money. He made lots of money when I met him. He used to support a whole family. He's very generous. He's always supported people and helped people. He's incredibly talented. In many ways. Marketable ways. But then he got together with me and nada. nyet. zilch.


Wow. It was big to realize this. So, now that we have lived that, and it's been ok, I've decided to create something different. I've decided that it's ok for me to be supported by a man. He can totally support me or we can share in bringing in money. I'm open. Mostly, that's the important thing. I'm open to more money coming to me in whatever way, especially and including through the talents of my talented husband. I'd really like to create a situation in which I take some time off of working for a while. Or perhaps forever even. And just do whatever I want to do whenever. In order to do that, it will really help to believe that he can carry us. I do believe it. That's the first step.

What about results?

Well, in the short time I've been playing with this new notion, Kevin's store has been a lot more successful. I love it.

Also, he just quit smoking a couple days ago. I was a little skeptical. But he's been doing great. (Using Chantix.) He started doing better when I changed my mind about it. Honestly. I was skeptical. Then I realized I was creating a negative thing. Someone knocked me out of it with a strong positive thought. I latched on to the strong positive thought, and now he's doing great. And saving us a lot of money.

Can't wait until the big 6-figure book deal manifests!

We will be going here. (We may not wait for the big deal on that one.)

This is getting fun!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think one of your best bets money wise is to get the Kev man'
s writing kick off and make him rich and famous and stuff

And make sure that by creating the feeling of supporting the wont harm Caspian's chance of earning.

Terri said...

Workin' it. Caspian is a little Capricorn. I always tell him he will be a banker. I don't really expect him to support the family. Unless he wants to... ;)