Sunday, September 21, 2008

San Diego story in Abraham-Hicks: It's about seeing your results

Ok, I figure it's time to post this story, since I've been alluding to it all month. Honestly, the story came to me right in the beginning, but I thought it would be too long and complicated to post. I now think it will be fine. Interestingly, after posting about San Diego before, I was drawn to open up this book at "random":

I went right to page 230, where it tells the story. It's pretty interesting that I went right to it. (Law of Attraction) I have read at least 4 different Abraham-Hicks books in the past couple months, and watched one of their DVDs. If I had "tried" to find the story, I would have been at a loss as to where to locate it. However, by just relaxing into it, it came right to me.

So anyway, here it is:

"So it's like traveling from Phoenix to San Diego, and San Diego's where you want to be, but for most of the distance of 400 miles, you're not where you want to be. And if it frustrates you that you're not there, vibrationally speaking you would just turn around and go back to Phoenix. You would never get there. But in terms of this physical journey from place to place, you say, 'Well I understand that journey, so I can make that. I can see my progress. I can see that with every mile I stay focused in that direction, that I'm getting farther from where I don't want to be and closer to where I do want to be.'

And we say, so you keep the faith because you have this evidence that shows you you're getting close, you're getting closer, you're getting closer. So (unless you're walking) nobody gets discouraged about that journey. In other words, you hold the faith. You hold the belief. You don't say, 'San Diego is an impossible dream.' You don't say, 'San Diego's incurable --I've tried and tried and tried and tried, and I can't get there,' because you can get there, and you know you can.

When you make the connection that the way you feel is your indicator of the direction that you're moving, and you can honestly say to yourself, 'I do feel optimistic -- when I say, 'All is well," I mean it...I really feel it,' then we say, then you can't not get there. If you can maintain that expectation and that attitude and that vibrational frequency, it has to come -- and it will come fast."

It goes on to say some other really good stuff, but I don't want to overquote. I do suggest you check it out. It's great stuff.


Anonymous said...

Cool story...keep up the blogging!

Terri said...

Thank you!!! Will do. :D