Sunday, September 7, 2008

Daily Focus Intro

I'm hatching an idea. I just got back from a great coaching session. If my coach had a website, I'd link it, but she doesn't yet. At any rate, I am inspired. I have considered using this space to, as Abraham says, prepave my intentions for the day. Abraham also has a process called Segment Intending, which I find very powerful. In a nutshell, all throughout your day, you go from segment to segment (i.e. getting up, having breakfast, getting ready for work, driving to work, etc. etc). Before each segment, you put forth your intention for that segment. You say, in your mind, or out loud, how you choose for it to go.

I also just finished reading Harmonic Wealth by James Ray.

He talks about the Five Pillars of Wealth, of which I found a nice summary here.


To be honest, Harmonic Wealth was not my favorite book. I sort of had a love/hate relationship going on with it. I wasn't that into a lot of it, and yet I felt I HAD to keep reading it, that there was something in it for me. Perhaps it is the five pillars.

So, putting together my coaching session from today, Abraham's intending, and the five pillars, I am going to do my best to form an intention for each pillar on a daily basis and call it my Daily Focus. We'll see how it goes. Right off the bat, I'm not going to lie to you. I could end up not doing it daily. I could end up deciding the structure of the 5 pillars is too, well structured. Basically, I want to make sure I am called to do whatever I am doing here. As Abraham says (pardon me, but I'm a little addicted to Abraham lately), "Nothing is more important than that I feel good." So, I'm going to try to stick to that first and foremost. Perhaps it will be my overall intention every day. I like the idea of using the 5 pillars, just so I don't forget an area. To create harmony (as opposed to balance, as Ray describes in his book, which I thought was an interesting distinction.)

So, that's the idea. I think I'll start a new post and do a daily focus. Now that the day is half over. What a rule-breaker I am.

(I feel like I need a sign off. I'm feeling a little bit of Abraham, with a touch of Masaru Emoto might work. Hmmmmmm. Perhaps for now, I'll try...

Let's feel good!

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